Interconnection of internal company system with HELIOS Red in ČMŽO-elektronika s.r.o.

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Cooperation in linking the HELIOS Red information system with the internal production system of ČMŽO - elektronika s.r.o. Imports of stock items from Excel into HELIOS Red sales orders and backloading of data on stock items back into Excel.

It is not possible to write data directly to the HELIOS Red database. The only exception is the possibility of importing sales orders using an XML file. We have used this option for automated import of tens to hundreds of items from an Excel spreadsheet (with conversion via XML). We then add back to the excel table the data that we draw from the database from the Warehouse and Purchase and Sales modules.

We have prepared a regular export of a number of entities from HELIOS Red so that they can be automatically retrieved and displayed in the company's internal production information system.

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