HELIOS Easy for Cinemart

Complete delivery and implementation of HELIOS Easy for the largest Czech film distributor Cinemart a.s. and their related companies. Connection of HELIOS to the systems of other distribution companies.
I'm sure you like movies. One of the largest film distribution companies in the Czech Republic is CinemArt a.s. It represents two of the six most powerful Hollywood studios, Universal and Paramount Pictures. It has brought us films such as Bohemian Rhapsody, Fast and Furious and Mamma Mia. It is also a respected distributor of Czech films, a partner of renowned film producers and emerging filmmakers. Recent successful films include the comedies What Men Want and Women on the Run and Cottage for Sale. V CinemArtu a jeho šesti dceřinných společnostech jsme úspěšně naimplementovali HELIOS Easy. Interesting features include regular import of issued invoices from dozens of cinemas in the Czech Republic or setting up a workflow for invoice approval via e-mail messages.
Unfortunately, I cannot give you free cinema tickets. But every time I see "CinemArt distribution" in the movie credits I am happy that this company can also rely on HELIOS implemented by HELIsmile.