Evaluation of orders in Morkus Morava s.r.o.

Morkus Morava s.r.o. is a matter of our heart. We have taken over HELIOS Orange implemented by another partner. We ensured its upgrade to HELIOS iNuvio. We modified the existing implementation, especially in the Accounting, Invoicing and Purchasing and Sales modules, and deployed a sophisticated system for tracking and evaluating orders.
One of the first modifications in HELIOS iNuvio was the creation of a system for order registration and order evaluation.
Above the Orders module, we have programmed an apparatus that allows us to prepare an order budget according to individual cost headings. Then, their spending is monitored both from accounting documents realized and only acquired, but also from issued purchase orders and cash documents.
The current balances are displayed online. It is possible to view the primary documents directly in the order. At specified intervals, the evaluations are emailed as a report to the company's managing director then.
The direct costs of individual orders are monitored by cost heading. A costs from overhead centres are also prorated into the contracts. This automatically results in a complete evaluation of the profitability of individual orders.
Both individual orders and total orders can be evaluated. There is thus an overall view of the company's performance.